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lithosphere or geosphere

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Q: What sphere is the solid rock material that directly underlies the sediments on the ocean floor?
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Which sphere includes rocks and sediments?

sediment sphere

What is the formula for the mass of a sphere?

The mass of a sphere is 4/3*pi*r3*d where r is the radius of the sphere and d is the density of the material of the sphere.

What is the direction directly above a point on a celestial sphere?


What is the point on the celestial sphere directly above observer?

The zenith.

Which shape uses the smallest amount of material when creating a cretical mass?

A sphere.

A is the point on the celestial sphere directly above the head of the observe?

That's called the observer's "zenith".

What sphere is not directly related to a mountain stream flowing over algae-covered rocks?


How develop a solid material like sphere in basic design?

i guess i guess i guess i guess

Area that another country has some political and economic control over but does not directly govern?

sphere of influence

What caused the material to come together as a sphere?

Guy golly Depending on the size, either gravity or magnetism.

What will be the electric field intensity at the center of a hollow charged sphere?

If the charge is evenly distributed over the sphere ... as it would be if the sphere is a conducting material ... then the electric field at the center of the sphere is zero. If the sphere is not a conductor and the charge hasn't been applied to it symmetrically, then the magnitude and direction of the electric field at the center depend on every little detail of exactly how it's distributed on the sphere.

Which sphere is least dense?

The sphere made from the least dense material. If this is for a specific math problem, you may have to calculate density by dividing mass / volume for each sphere. The question could be about the "four spheres of the Earth" : Atmosphere Biosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere. In that case the answer is the "atmosphere".