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Q: What spheres do the clouds belong to?
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To Which spheres do the clouds and the soil belong?

Clouds in Atmosphere, soil in Biosphere

What two spheres do the clouds and soil belong?

the cloud in atmmosphere and soil in lithosphere

Which of earth spheres do mountains lakes trees clouds ice and snow represent?

The crust.

Which of the earths spheres do mountains lakes trees clouds ice and snow represent?

The crust.

Which cloud group do stratocumulus clouds belong in?


What type of clouds would you find in the low levels of the atmosphere?

Low clouds are no higher than 2000 meters. Clouds which belong to this group include stratus clouds, nimbostratus clouds, and stratocumulus clouds. Varying amounts of precipitation are associated with these clouds.

Which of Earth's spheres do each of these features belong lake meadow canyon cloud?

Lake: hydrosphere... Meadow: Biosphere... Canyon: Geosphere... Cloud: Atmosphere...:)

What does not belong with the others cloud, sunshine, rain and umbrella Why?

Sunshine does not belong. On rainy days there are clouds, and you use an umbrella. Those tree things will always be with each other, but sunshine will not.

What does the atmosphere and hydrosphere have in common?

Both spheres are part of the water cycle e.g evaporation from oceans/lakes and condensation into clouds which falls as precipitation. Both spheres are also part of the carbon cycle; oceans/lakes are carbon dioxide sinks which help to keep atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at approx 0.04%.

What does atmosphere and hydrosphere have in common?

Both spheres are part of the water cycle e.g evaporation from oceans/lakes and condensation into clouds which falls as precipitation. Both spheres are also part of the carbon cycle; oceans/lakes are carbon dioxide sinks which help to keep atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at approx 0.04%.

Clouds are an example of this?

Clouds are an example of many things. They belong to the following categories: fluffy things things made of water vapor atmospheric phenomena objects found in the natural world objects at high elevation

What are spheres that have the same length radii called?

Congruent spheres