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Q: What spices where the most valuable in Columbus time?
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What Spices were Christopher Columbus looking for?

Christopher Columbus wanted to get shiploads of spices because during those times, spices were very valuable. It was used to preserve food, as well as to make medicine, perfume, and incense.

Who wanted to find gold and spices silk?

Explorers and traders from Europe, specifically during the Age of Exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries, wanted to find gold and spices like silk. This was primarily driven by the desire for wealth and profit, as gold and spices were highly valuable commodities at the time.

Why were the moluccas so valuable?

They were known as the spice islands; because, of the importance of spices at the time of their decovery.

What was Christopher Columbus looking for?

he was looking for a shorter route to Asia so people can get spices faster and most sailors at that time was looking for th Northwest Passage so he might've been looking for it on the sidenote

What was Columbus look for?

he was looking for a shorter route to Asia so people can get spices faster and most sailors at that time was looking for th Northwest Passage so he might've been looking for it on the sidenote

How is Christopher Columbus connected to silks spices and sugar?

Columbus had a contract with the Spanish crown to find a water route to Asia. The explorers of his time were looking for a water route because bringing the goods from Asia using the Silk Road was long, dangerous, and expensive. People wanted the silks, perfume, and spices but getting them to Europe was a problem.

What did Columbus find at the end of his voyage?

he found a new trading route and riches and many spices plus new people and animals not know to Spain at the time

What did Columbus hope to find when he began his expedition in 1492?

A faster way to India for trading. He also wanted to find spices and riches that Spain found amazing at the time.

What was Columbus looking for when he crossed the Atlantic ocean?

columbus sail to find the Origin (india and china) he wanted to prove the earth was round and that you could get to the Origin by sailing west..... in that time england wanted spices from the origin and most countries were trying to find trade routes including england.

What is the most valuable resource in the new America?

Peoples time.

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Why did Europeans want spices?

Europeans mainly wanted spices for trade. The merchants at that time wanted to make a huge living and as their trading became better with people, they looked for things that people would want or find valuable.