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None. They are all white.

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Q: What spider eats and turns your skin black?
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What happens is when this spider bits you, the venum eats your skin. the best way to treat this is you run chorcoal on it. Always check your shoes for them. In some cases the area of the spider bit must be cut out leaving deep ugly pot wholes in the skin and yes in a sense the venom eats your skin but it turns a dark purple black color the venom is killing and braking down you skin cells and will continue to do so until its dealt with properly. I have heard of figures arms toes and feet amputated because the bit had gone to far... Tawni

Why is there a hole in the skin when you are bitten by a Black Widow spider?

Because the spider has fangs that penetrate your skin. There is further damage from the venom of the spider destroying the tissue at the location of the bite.

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Pewter turns it black, Copper does turn your skin green though.

What is a spider monkey skin covering?

A spider monkey has furry skin.

What spider is black with a tan fiddle on it's back Shape and legs look like a black widow Builds an irregular web lives behind the door jamb by the floor in your bathroom Location Monterey CA?

This very much sounds like a Brown Recluse spider. Their bite is painful and the venom eats away skin and tissue. The spider should be killed or removed from your home immediately.

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Because it's so cold outside the equator that it freezes the skin so it turns white but when it gets unfrozen it turns black again.

Are bananas rotten when the skin turns black?

Yes. They suppose to be yellow, if it's a little Brown you can eat it

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Frostbite makes the skin go numb and turns it completely black in really bad cases. It looks like you have a black boot on and that the skin is being ate away.

What is a spider monkeys covering?

A spider monkey has furry skin.

What are black-and-blue bruises?

I don't know why bruises are black and blue but i know that they are a bleed underneath the skin! The blood is deprived of oxygen and turns blue.

What eats skin?

Skin Beetles Dermestidae

What kind of spider is black and has a white dot on the back?

According to a website that i just visited (the bug man??) this spider could be what is called a false black widow. I too had a question about this specific description of spider- as I recently found FOUR of them within three days in the same area in my house. According to the bug man, this spider actually eats black widows and something else called a sow bug. Hope this is helpful