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Banana Spiders?

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:D A: You can occassionally find various insects and arachnids in clusters of bananas, including tarantulas. You won't see this in the store, however, as the banana's are washed before deployment to the supermarkets.

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Q: What spiders can typically be found in shipments of bananas?
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What poisonous creature lives in bananas?

There are many poisonous spiders found in bananas, but in the very bananas you buy at your average grocery store, there are millions of poisonous bacteria. But don't worry. Their poison can't effect you and banana factories have placed chemicals or have cleaned the bananas so that the bacteria dies and the bananas are perfectly safe.

If a banana spider biteswill you die?

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is one of the most toxic spiders in the world. This spider can often be found in bananas

Are banana spiders found in America?

They don't usually live in bananas. They live in the north America but they live on top of the banana on the topping so be careful when you buy bananas. The bananas you buy comes from other places so good luck.Banana spider is the common name given to large (3 cm body length) active hunting spiders of the genus Phoneutria (Family: Ctenidae). These spiders live in Central and South American rainforests. They are often found in rubbish around human dwellings, as well as hiding in foliage such as banana leaves where they sometimes bite workers harvesting bananas. They have a reputation for being quite aggressive.

What is the worst kind of spider?

The Brazilian Wandering spider appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records 2007 for being the most venomous animal. The Brazilian Wandering spider is also called the ‘banana spider’ as it is sometimes found in shipments of bananas. It is reported to have one of the most awfully painful envenoms of all spiders due to its high concentration of serotonin. Human males who are bitten can have painful erections lasting more than 4 hours.

Why were bananas found?

Because they exist, and they were found.

Who found bananas?

How about a monkey?

What kinds of spiders are found in Wyoming?

Spiders found in Wyoming include: Brown Recluse Black Widow Hobo Spider Jumping Spiders Nursery Web Spiders Sac Spiders Comb-footed Cobweb Orb Weavers Common House Spider Funnel Web Spiders Daddy Long Legs or Cellar Spiders Grass Spiders Ground Spiders Crab Spiders

Where are spiders found?

In the jungle

Are brown recluse spiders found in Minnesota?

No, Brown Recluse Spiders do not live in Pennsylvania.

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Can potassium be found in bananas?

yes, it can.

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