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Q: What sports are being played in Indonesian schools?
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What sports are played in autum?

Well if your asking about sports played in a school, then at my school during that season football was being played for the boys and basketball for the girls.

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How many sports are being played in the 2008 Olympics?

35 i think

Is it true that although Americans movies are popular around the world American sports are not played outside the US?

no it is not true. American sports are being played all around the world. Canada happens to be big on sports which includes American sports.

When did obama regain his citizenship after being an Indonesian citizen?

President Obama lived in Indonesia as a child with his mother; however, he was never an Indonesian citizen.

What schools do you go to for sports medicine doctors down Atlanta?

Mercer University in Macon, GA is a great sports medicine school. It is a growing school so lots of scholarships are being awarded and given out.

What is the history of women's basketball?

Girl's Basketball was being played in High schools as early as 1909.

What are sports and why are they required?

Sports are games primarily played by children although adults play them for money as well. Sports are not required in schools but physical education class or Gym class is a required class, which in reality is really just kids playing sports and not learning. The fact that the media portrays sports as being so important plants the idea for schools to spend millions of dollars on football fields and gyms instead of normal education. American society sees this as alright although many overseas European cultures don't have required sports and focus more on education. In part explaining why education in the United States has fallen behind other countries.

What are the sports played London?

In the run up to the Olympics 2012 every sport possible is being played or practiced in and outwith London. More common sports are Football Cricket and Tennis to name but a few.

When did middle age sports start?

Sports were doubtless played through the whole period of the Middle Ages. We have no record of their being played at times in the Early Middle Ages, but we know that certain sports and games survived from Roman times to the later medieval times.

What does the word pusat mean in English?

The word Pusat is an Indonesian term. This word translated from Indonesian is equivalent to the English meaning of center, and by context being location.