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Q: What spray paint is safe for children graffiti?
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How does dissolvable paint work?

Spray this paint on any surface, and it disappears within 8 hours! Non-toxic and safe for all children over 5 years old!

If is safe to spray paint your harmonica and play after the paint dries?

as long as you don't spray in the air pipes

Is Krylon H2O latex spray paint safe to use around food?

Yes, it is.

How do you take spray paint off of an aluminum trailer?

You can scrape or sand the paint off, but that may scratch the aluminun finish. Your best bet is to use a commercial graffiti remover such as Goof-off or So-Safe. These products dissolve the paint so you can just wipe it off. Good luck.

How do you remove spray paint from porcelain?

I would try the Best Cleaner Ever from ScraPerfect. It is effective and safe--for people and the environment. It removes spray paint and other kinds of paint and yet it has no fumes and is safe for skin. (It also removes adhesive and sharpie markers...) You can google it--there are lots of videos about it also.

Can you spray paint an electric bass guitar?

It depends on what spraypaint you use. You have to use a special guitar paint. But it's not safe to use regular paint.

Is it safe to paint walls around children?

No. They will react negatively to the paint. Have them removed from the area until the paint has dried.

What are some brands of non toxic paint for children to use?

Non toxic paint is very good for children. Many children tend to sniff their school supplies. Crayola has made paint that is non toxic and safe for children use.

Why do gangs put up grafitti?

AnswerThey vandalize because it will sometimes mark their territory, and some do it just for the fun of it. Of course, there is always peer pressure, which is when your peers pressure you do to something even if you don't want to. Some even do it to get someone else angry, maybe revenge. I would say, to mark their territory is most popular.To mark the territory, where it is safe for them to sell drugs. If someone takes down their graffiti then they know that they are not safe there. If you want gangs out, one thing you can do is paint out their graffiti If you want gangs to be safe in your area, leave up their graffiti If you don't want gangs paint out their graffiti It is all up to you. It is your choice.But, what if they catch you painting out their graffiti? I think they would probably follow you to your home and late at night attack your house. Maybe just shoot the place or break in and kill you...

Is it safe to paint a room with ventilation when pregnant?

It is usually considered safe to paint with latex paint in a ventilated room, but it is not safe to climb ladders!! You also want to make sure that if your home was built before 1973, that you are not the one scraping paint, because old paint contians lead, which is very harmful to children and pregnant women.

What is the highest temperature acceptable to use spray paint?

a safe paint job should be done in a ventilated area not near fire. different paints thinners and surfaces can require different settings.

Is it safe to fabreze pets and or small children under the age of 5?

It is not safe to use Febreze on animals or people. If you read the container, it plainly states to keep it out of the reach of children or pets, and not to spray it toward a person's face.