

What star will be left when the Sun dies?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What star will be left when the Sun dies?
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Can our sun become a neutron star?

No. it is not massive enough. When the sun dies it will become a white dwarf.

Which stars can be smaller than the Sun?

neutron star. When the life cycle is done with a star the star stops growing and eventually dies.

How can a sun die if it was never a living thing?

It is just a figure of speech. A Star(sun is also a star) dies when its fuel supply runs out (ie) it burns out.

What would happen to the sun when it dies?

Convert into a dwarf white star which is really hot, then a neutron star, and finally, a black hole.

How does the sun cause a disaster?

Because the sun is a star every 100 years a sun explodes when a star explodes it dies out eventually many many years from now the sun will explode causing earth to go bye bye

Why do stars like the Sun evolve slower than others?

A star changes (or evolves if you will), until it dies, and this process' length is determined by the mass of the star. The bigger the star, the faster it evolves and the sooner it dies. Our sun is defined as a low-mass yellow star and these types of stars live long and quiet lives (evolve slow). Our sun will have a total life length of about nine billion years before it expands into a red giant. It will then become a planetary nebula until all that's left is a white dwarf. Bigger stars evolve quicker, the biggest star found to date has a mass 265 times that of our own sun, this star will live a short but intensive life before it explodes as a supernova. A star needs to be ten times as massive as our sun to be able to explode as a supernova when it dies. The smaller a star is, the slower it evolves. Our sun is a middle-sized star. A star the size of our sun might last for 12 billion years while the real giants, such as blue super giants, only live for a few million.

When does a star die?

it dies when it drifts away from the sun and its heat is realeased and creates a black hole

Will our sun end up like a neutron star?

No, our sun won't end up like a neutron star. When our sun dies it will leave behind a remnant called a white dwarf, a very dense object but far less dense than a neutron star.

How do you know what star becomes when it dies?

You will know what a star becomes when it dies based off of its mass. If the mass of the star is less than, around, or slightly greater than the sun's mass, it will become a white dwarf. If the mass of the star is a few solar masses, a supernova will happen and a neutron star will be created. If the mass of the star is many times that of the sun, it will explode in a giant supernova called a hypernova and create a black hole.

What is the world like when the sun goes out?

There won't be a world. The sun is a star. When a star dies it implodes and creates a black hole, sucking everything nearby into it, which will be destroyed forever. if the sun goes out, Earth won't exist because we'll be sucked into the sun's black hole.

What circumstance will a star become a black hole?

Generally, a black hole will be created when a star 3x (or higher) more massive than our Sun dies, it becomes a black hole. It can vary based on the environment around it and the very materials making up the star as it dies.

Is your star dead?

No. Our star, the sun, is still going strong and has about 5 billion years worth of fuel left.