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Q: What state has the city named Anchorage?
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What state is Anchorage?

Anchorage is a city in Alaska.

In which us state is anchorage?

Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska.

What US state is the city Anchorage located in?

Anchorage is located in Alaska. Alaska is the 49th state of the union and is located northwest of Canada. Anchorage is small for a state capital, but the largest city in Alaska.

How does Anchorage rank in size to the other states in the US?

Anchorage is a city, not a state.

What is the longest named city in Alaska?

Anchorage is the only "CITY" in Alaska by population

Anchorage is the largest city in this state?


US state that contains the city of Anchorage?


What is alaska's state capital and largest city?

Juneau is the State Capital and the largest city is Anchorage.

Is anchorage the largest city and the state capitol?

Largest city but capital is Junea.

What is the largest town in Alaska?

Anchorage is the most populated city followed by Fairbanks.

What state was named for a city in Spain?

No state is named after a Spanish city.

What is the most populated city in Alaska?

Anchorage is the most populous city in Alaska. The population is 291,826 people. The city contains more than 40 percent of the state's total population.