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Q: What state is it illegal to hunt camels?
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In which state is it illegal to hunt camels?


How do camels hunt for food?

camels are herbivores and don't need to hunt for food

Where do camels hunt for food?

Camels don't hunt.. they are herbivores. That means they eat plants.

What do camels hunt?

Camels do not really hunt. They mostly forage if they are on their own for nearby vegetation and water, if they need it.

What guns are illegal to hunt deer with?

Depends on the game laws in your state. Each state has their own laws. Legal in one state is illegal in another.

Is it illegal to hunt squirrels from car with a pellet gun?

Your question does not say what state or country you live in, but in almost every state in the USA it is illegal to fire any weapon or hunt from any vehicle while you are inside the vehicle.

Do humans hunt camel?

no camels are too cute to hunt...karissa has a camel she finds that offensive!

Is it illegal to hunt mounten garillas?

yes it is illegal to hunt mountain gorilla's they are endangered

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do not hunt them it is illegal to

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2 camels in a tiny car

Is spotlighting illegal in Montana?

It is illegal to use a spotlight to hunt in the state of Montana. Spotlighting is using a light to seek or attempt to lure animals for the purpose of killing them.

Why is it illegal to hunt boars with guns?

Because they are living creatures is it illegal to hunt humans? YES therefore why should it be legal o hunt boars