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Q: What state of matter are cooked refried beans found in?
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How long can pinto beans last while refrigerated?

After quick internet search I found cooked beans will last up to a week, refrigerated.

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Where did the Aztecs get their coco beans from?

the aztecs found the cocoa beans in a forest

Which beans were found near and named after a south American capital city?

I expect that will be Lima beans.

What nutrient is found in legumes?

Nutrients that can be found in legumes:ProteinMost legumes are very high in protein. For example, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture nutritional database, one cup of cooked, unsalted lentils has 17.86g of protein. Dried peas have 16.35g and black beans have 15.24g. Other types of dried beans have approximately the same amount as black beans. MineralsLegumes also provide a wealth of minerals. For example, the USDA Nutrition Database reports that one cup of cooked, unsalted lentils provides 6.59g iron, 71mg magnesium and 731mg potassium. One cup of cooked, unsalted split green peas contains 71mg magnesium, 710 mg potassium and 27 mg calcium. Black beans provide 46 mg calcium, 611 mg potassium and 120 mg magnesium. Values for other dried beans are approximately the same as black beans. VitaminsWhile legumes are not a great source of vitamins, they do have a substantial amount of folate, also known as vitamin B-9. The USDA Nutrition Database says that one cup of cooked unsalted lentils, split green peas or black beans have 358, 127 and 256 micrograms of folate, respectively.

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What is the English name for avarekai?

I think Cow Beans :-) I think Cow Beans :-) its butter peas No! It is called Hyacinth Beans! I found it. Avarekai is called as Val Beans

What are the nutrients found in black beans?

Kidney beans are rich in iron.

What plant are found in the Philippines?

castor beans

How did hunting begin?

People were hungry. Maybe they found some ready cooked meat after a wildfire and tasted the flesh . No matter how it started, this addition of protein made the human brain grow.

Where are lima beans found in the US?

their found in the northen part of Puru and Guatemala

Where were coffee beans first found?

Probably Ethiopia