

What state of matter do the particles move slowest?

Updated: 10/3/2020
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In solid form, atoms have the least amount of movement (although they still move slightly).

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Q: What state of matter do the particles move slowest?
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What state of matter particles move the slowest and are closely arranged packed together?

In a solid state, particles move the slowest and are closely packed together. This results in a fixed shape and volume for solids.

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In the solid state, molecules move the slowest. The particles are tightly packed together and have the least amount of energy to move around.

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The correct order of matter from slowest to fastest that molecules or particles move is: solid, liquid, gas. In a solid, particles are tightly packed and have the least amount of movement. In a liquid, particles have more freedom to move around. In a gas, particles have the most kinetic energy and move the fastest.

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The gas state of matter typically has particles that move the fastest among the three states (solid, liquid, gas). Gas particles have higher energy levels and are further apart compared to particles in solids and liquids, allowing them to move more rapidly.

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In each state of matter, gas, liquid, and solid, they move in every direction. It is just that solids have the least amount of space to move and moves the slowest whereas gas has the most amount of room to move and moves the fastest. Liquid is in the middle because it is in between the two.

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The cell is the slowest moving particle because of its weight and its size.

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In a gas state, particles move freely and rapidly in random directions due to their high kinetic energy. This results in a lack of fixed shape or volume, as the particles are constantly colliding and spreading out to fill the container they are in.

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