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Q: What state of matter has positive and negative charged particles with no volume or shape?
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Is matter usually charge-neutral?

Yes, matter is usually charge-neutral due to protons and electrons having opposite charges.

What is a small charged particles of matter?

You think probable to electron, with a negative charge.

Why do charged particles not penetrate matter?

Charged particles are going to have a strong electromagnetic interaction with any matter that they encounter, since matter is also contains lots of charged particles. In effect, matter will present a great deal of solidity or substance to charged particles.

What state of matter consits of electrically charged particles?

ions are electrically charged particles

What is particles theory of matter?

The Particle Theory has 4 laws: 1) All matter is composed of particles 2) Each of these particles have spaces between them 3) These particles are always in a constant state of motion 4) Because some particles are Negative, & some Positive, they are attracted to each other.

What part of matter does electricity involve?

Electricity involves charged particles. An electric current involves the movement of charged particles. These charged particles MAY be electrons, and often are; but it is possible to have an electric current with many other types of charged particles.

Who thinks there are smallnegitive lay charged particles inside an atom?

I do, along with all scientists and educated people in the world know that an atom of matter contains tiny negatively charged particles. They are called 'Electrons'. In antimatter, the proton equivalent carries a negative charge.

What do alpha particles leave charged in their path when they travel through matter?

Charged ions

How do you multyply integers?

when you have a negative times a negative it will equal a positive but when you have a negative times a positive it will equal a negative no matter what!

What isn't affected by an electrostatically charged matter?

Beta particles

Are electrons the positively charged particles in an atom?

In an atom of antimatter, that would be true, in an atom of matter that would be false.

When the number of electrons and protons in a sample of matter are equal the matter is?

neutral. Positive and negative charges cancel each others.