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Most stars are in a plasma state, where the electrons are stripped from their atomic nuclei, forming an ionized gas. Big collapsing stars enter a degenerate state of matter, where protons absorb electrons to form neutrons, and the neutrons are packed together so tightly not even neutrinos can shine through. Such neutron stars are essentially really, really big atoms, even though their physical volume might be less than that of our puny earth.

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Q: What state of matter is a star considered?
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It is found to be in the fourth State of Matter - Plasma: Proxima Centauri is a Star.

What state of matter is not a conventional state?

There are infact two! In general plasma is not considered a "conventional" state of matter. Another that may be considered "unconventional" is a state known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. For more information on the states of matter, please see the related question.

What state of matter can be considered a fluid?

Liquid and gas

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Star matter exists in the heightened state of plasma, a superheated state of matter in which electrons are not bound to the atoms as they usually would be.

What state of matter is Proxima Centauri surface?

It is a highly charged plasma.

Are there more than three states of matter?

Yes, plasma is considered a state of matter.

Why is energy not considered a state of matter?

Energy is not considered a state of matter because it is a property or characteristic of matter rather than a form of matter itself. Matter is composed of particles (atoms, molecules) that have mass and occupy space, while energy is a measure of the ability to do work or cause change in matter. So, energy and matter are distinct concepts in physics.

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The state of matter that your sun is made up of is?

Star matter exists as plasma; it is usually superheated and is electrically conductive.

Is gas related to states of matter?

yes because gas is matter everything on earth has matter so its considered a state of matter

At what state would matter be incompressible?

degenerate matter would be incompressible. This would not be ordinarily met with, but is considered to be the material of a neutron star. Where, upon the collapse of a giant star, the gravitational forces would collapse all the neutron matter to a solid. Fond subject of sci-fi writers, e.g. Larry Niven (I think) wrote a story with the title Neutron Star, which will give a rough guide to the supposed physics.