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Q: What state of matter is moderate energy?
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Related questions

Why is energy not considered a state of matter?

energy is not considered a state of matter because it does not fall in to the qualifications of what matter is. matter is anything that has mass and takes up space and energy does not.

What state of matter is sound?

Sound is a form of energy, it is not a state of matter.

Which state of matter has less energy?

gas state of matter has less energy be cause of low intermolecular attraction.

Which state of matter is candlelight?

Light is NOT a state of matter - its photons, pure energy.

No more energy can be removed from matter at?

at the dead state or zero state. it is the state of matter which is equivalent to the state of surroundings

How do you change one state of matter to another?

You change one state of matter to another by heating the matter or cooling it [aka] adding energy or removing the energy

How is energy related to the change of state and the forces between molecules?

Energy is related to random and nonrandom states of matter in that all matter and energy tend toward a random state. Nonrandom energy can be directed to keep matter into a desired state, but will ultimately fail.

What can the state of matter be changed by?

A change in the state of matter occurs when heat energy is added or removed.

What state of matter is a flame considered as?

A flame is not a substance like water or air. Rather, it is the result of heat and light energy so you can't really say what state of matter it is in. Think of it like this; asking what state of matter a flame is in would be like asking what state of matter light or heat are in. They are forms of energy, not substances.

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Fourth and fifth state of matter as energy resourse for future generation