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Q: What state of matter that is thought to exisits at extremely low temperatures?
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On the sun where temperatures are extremely high matter exists in a state known as?

A gas.

What is the state of matter that is rare on Earth?

Plasma is the only fundamental state of matter that thought to be uncommon on earth, but it is in truth quite common.Plasma is similar to the gaseous state, but is extremely electrically conductive. It can be seen commonly as fire or lightning.Plasma occurs most often when a gas exposed to extremely high temperatures, such as when lightning strikes. The high temperatures cause the electrons to leave the atoms, resulting in the presence of free electrons.

The state of matter that exists only at extremely low temperatures is called what?

Bose-Einstein consendate

What state of matter is hydrogen?

Elemental hydrogen is a gas at normal environmental temperatures. At extremely low temperatures or extremely high pressure, it can become a liquid and even a solid.

Why is plasma not commonly thought of when considering the states of matter?

It exists at incredibly high temperatures not usually encountered on Earth.

What is the temperature of thermosphere?

The thermosphere can reach temperatures from 500 to 2000 degrees C or higher. But there is so little matter that the total heat content is extremely low.

Do particles in matter move more quickly at lower temperatures or higher temperatures?

At higher temperatures.

What state of mater is nitrogen?

At standard Tempoeratures and Pressures(STP) nitrogen state of matter is a GAS . However it can be cooled to form a liquid and further cooled to form a solid, but these are extremely low temperatures.

How would an increase temperatures change does matter changes state?

No it doesnt matter.

Is matter aware of its self?

Matter use to have a very low level to almost non-existent level of awareness. The first of the extremely Illegitimate populations are thought to be from matter that was not suppose to have a higher level of awareness. Now, matter has not any awareness or has not any awareness that resents having been put to use as matter.

Who thought matter is made of particles?

John Dalton thought that matter was made of particles.

What do you call the fourth state of matter that only exists at extremely high temperatures?

Plasma. A plasma- is a gas with a delocalized sea of electrons.