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Q: What state was the earthquakes epicenter located in?
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How do you locate an earthquakes epicenters?

An earthquakes epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the focus

Which waves created by earthquakes are the strongest at the epicenter?

s waves

What is found directly above the underground point of origin of earthquakes?

The epicenter i think

Is an earthquake's epicenter located deep underground?

False, the focus is located deep underground. The epicenter is at ground level

What is the minimum number of seismic stations needed to determine the location of an earthquakes epicenter?

The minimum number of seismic stations needed to determine the location of an earthquake's epicenter is THREE.

Related questions

What are the names of the earthquakes that happen in California?

The names come where the epicenter is located.

What is the origin point of earthquakes?

The epicenter.

Where volcanoes and earthquakes occur?

Anywhere where the earths plates meet. Earthquakes occur only were there is an epicenter. Were ever the epicenter is the earthquake will happen.

How do geologist locate the epicenter of earthquakes?

Geologists use circles to find the epicenter of an earthquake.

Where on the surface do earthquakes effect the most?


How do you locate an earthquakes epicenters?

An earthquakes epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the focus

What is the name of earthquakes point of initial rupture?

It is the Epicenter

Where is an earthquakes maximum intensity usually felt?

at the epicenter

Why can earthquakes cause a destruction far from the epicenter?

Because earthquakes rupture sections of a fault, sometimes for hundreds of miles. So it is possible for there to be just as much destruction anywhere along the fault as there is at the epicenter. (the epicenter being at the beginning of the rupture)

Why is Florida a target for earthquakes?

it is a target for earthquakes because it is on a fault line and the epicenter is right above that

What does the of each circle represent in a epicenter?

I got it from my science book its geologist use seismic waves to locate the earthquakes epicenter (that's what the circle center is epicenter)

What is the spot directly above the focus where an earthquakes occurs?

The "epicenter"