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Q: What statement describes a periodic trend of first ionization energy?
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Which elements on periodic table have the highest ionization energies?

Helium (He) has the highest ionization energy.

What is ionization energy and how does it relate to the periodic table?

The ionization energy is the energy needed to extract an electron from an atom.The value of the ionization energy increase from left to right in a period of the periodic table and decrease in a group from the above to down.

What periodic treds exist for ionization energy?

Ionization energy increases to the right and up on the periodic table. Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron. It can be conceptualized as the opposite of electron affinity, though this is not precisely true.

What element has the highest ionization energy in group 4 of the periodic table?

the nobles gases are the greatest ionization group

Which statement describes the general trends in electronegativity and first ionization energy as the elements in Period 3 are considered in order from Na to Cl?

The Pauling electronegativity and the first ionization energy increase from sodium to chlorine.

What is ionization energy of boron?

Across a row on the periodic table ionization energy increases. Down a column, ionization energy decreases. --------------------------------------------------------- The first Ionization energy of Boron is 800.6 kJ mol-1

What trend it does the first ionization energy follow going across the periodic table?

The ionization energy increases going across a periodic table.This is because of increasing nuclear charge.

How can you determine whether ionization energy is a periodic function of atomic number?

as atomic number increases, ionization energy also decreases

What are trends in ionzation energy?

from left to right in a row on the periodic table the ionization energy increases. going down a column the ionization energy decreases.

Is it ionization energy is a periodic property?

Ionization energy generally increases across a period as a result of a higher nuclear charge, however there are some exceptions such as Boron which has a lower ionization energy than Beryllium (because it is in a P orbital), and Oxygen which has a lower ionization energy than nitrogen (Because ionization decreases the electron electron repulsion in its orbitals).

How does the ionization energy vary with atomic number within the group?

Ionization energy decreases with the rise of atomic number in a group of periodic table.

How does the first ionization energy change going down and across the periodic table?

In a group the first ionization energy decrease going down.In a period the first ionization energy increase from left to right.