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Q: What statement describes the phase change that occurs when dry ice is place in an open container at room temperature?
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What statement describes the phase change that when dry ice is placed in an open container at room temperature?


Which statement describes the phase change that occurs when dry ice is placed in an open container at room temperature?

The dry ice will sublimate, which means it will change from a solid directly to a gas without passing through the liquid state. This process occurs due to the low temperature of dry ice (-78.5°C) compared to room temperature, causing it to transition directly to carbon dioxide gas.

What describes the phase change that occurs when dry ice is placed in an open container at room temperature?

the phase change is from solid into gas,and this phase change is called sublimation.

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Would the volume of oxygen change if it were moved into a larger container?

It does not because change only occurs when temperature is involved.

Why use LMTD and not mean temperature difference?

Because the temperature change that occurs across the heat exchanger from the entrance to the exit is not linear, and a logarithmic function best describes this temperature change.

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Both temperature and pressure increase with depth.

How do conditions change inside a rigid container when you use a pump to add gas to the container?

When gas is added to a rigid container using a pump, the pressure inside the container will increase due to the increase in the number of gas molecules colliding with the container walls. The temperature inside the container may also increase slightly due to the compression of the gas. The volume of the gas in the container will remain constant since the container is rigid and unable to expand.

How do gases behave in a closed container?

Since you have specified a closed container, the amount of gas doesn't change, and the volume that it occupies doesn't change. The only thing that is likely to change is the temperature, and changes in temperature will cause corresponding changes in pressure. And if the pressure gets too high, your closed container is going to explode. So avoid overheating.

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With gasses, it's a three-way balance between pressure, temperature and volume. If you change one, you affect the other. When you release gas from a container, the the pressure and the temperature drops.

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The analysis of any changes in operation that may have caused the accident.