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Q: What statements best explains what it means to be your best salesperson?
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Which of these statements best explains what it mean to be your own salesperson?

A job applicant should emphasize his or her best job skills when speaking to a potential employer.

Which of these statements best explains the definition of "being your own best salesperson"?

It is acceptable to present yourself to the employer as someone who will do a job as well as possible.

What statement best explains the definition of being you're own best salesperson?

Promote yourself !

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The job seeker has to sell personal traits and skills to the employer in order to be chosen for the job from among many other qualified job applicants.

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What it means to be your own best salesperson?

A+ A job applicant should emphasize his or her best job skills when speaking to a potential employer. - Gianna (;

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The passage shows the effect of natural forces, such as hurricanes, to highlight how nature, over time, will erode artifacts of urban civilization.

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stop cheating ;) The employer often has many choices in applicants.

Which statements best explains why producers conduct market research?

Market research helps producers earn more profits.