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Q: What states did the Littler Ice Age affect?
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Did the ice age affect the whole world?


How does an ice age affect society?

because everything would freeze and turn to ice

How would another ice age affect the climate?

it would get colder

How did the Great Ice Age affect human settlement of the americans?

During the Great Ice Age, vast ice sheets covered much of North America, making large parts of the continent uninhabitable. As the ice sheets retreated around 12,000 years ago, it created new habitats for human settlement and allowed for the migration of people from Asia into the Americas via the Bering land bridge. This marked the beginning of human settlement in the Americas and led to the development of diverse indigenous cultures across the continent.

Did the climate at the end of the Ice Age affect the move to Mesopotamia?

Yes, the end of the Ice Age brought about changes in climate which made regions like Mesopotamia more favorable for human settlement due to increased agricultural productivity. This shift likely contributed to the movement of human populations towards Mesopotamia as they sought out more hospitable environments for sustaining agriculture and civilization.

How did the ice age affect prehistoric people?

By and large it pushed them further south.

How did the ice age affect life?

it's too clod for people to live

How did the ice age affect humans?

During the ice age, humans adapted by developing clothing, shelters, and advanced hunting techniques to survive the harsh cold environments. They also migrated to different areas in search of food and resources as the ice sheets expanded and contracted. The ice age ultimately shaped human evolution and led to the development of crucial skills and technologies.

What affect did the Ice Age have on early migration?

People had to migrate where food was available.

How did the Ice Age affect lives?

The ice age affected living things because it caused living things to extinct.Also it made it hard for living things to survive.

How did the ice age affect human life?

During the ice age, humans adapted by developing specialized tools for hunting and gathering in cold environments. The harsh conditions of the ice age also likely influenced the migration patterns of early humans as they followed food sources and sought warmer climates. Some evidence suggests that periods of extreme cold during the ice age may have led to population declines and challenges in finding food.

Is it true that The warming of the climate at the end of the Ice Age did not affect the move to Mesopotamia?
