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Q: What states do you have to go through from Georgia to Oklahoma?
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What states do you have to go through to get to Oklahoma?

It is impossible to say without knowing the starting point. For example, if you start in Oklahoma, you don't have to go through any other states. If you start in Tennessee, you have to go through Arkansas. Etc.

About how many miles is it from Ohio to Oklahoma when traveling southwest?

The miles between Ohio and Oklahoma depends on which states you go through. If you go through Ill, Indiana, and MO, it should only be between 998-1000 miles. The miles between Ohio and Oklahoma depends on which states you go through. If you go through Ill, Indiana, and MO, it should only be between 998-1000 miles.

What states do you go through from Norman Oklahoma to Spokane WA?

Via I-90: Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington

What states do you drive through to get to New Mexico from il?

By the shortest route, you go through Missouri, Oklahoma and the panhandle of Texas.

If you drive from eastern Virginia to Florida how many states do you probably go through?

You would go likely go through 3 states - North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia - to get from eastern Virginia to Florida.

Where were Cherokees forced to go during Trail of Tears?

To Indian Territory (now known as Oklahoma) through 11 states.

Which states did the central pacific railroad go through?

It went in Oklahoma, New York, California , Pennsylvania and maybe more

What states do you go through to get from Florida to Kentucky?

You go through Georgia, Tennessee, then your in Kentucky. Also another way you could go is through Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and then your in Kentucky. Which I live in Kentucky.

What states does the Santa Fe Trail go through?

The Santa Fe Trail started in Missouri, and went through Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Where does the Red River go through?

There are two rivers that are called Red River in the United States. One of them flows between the states of Minnesota and North Dakota. The other Red River flows through the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

What states did the California trail go through?

There were five states: Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and New Mexico.

Starting on the east coast what is the fewest number of states you must go to to get to the west coast?

Seven states, Start in Virginia or North Carolina and go through Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and California