

Best Answer

There are several but the rights and requirements differs between them. You can read more in the link below.

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Danielle Smitham

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Q: What states has grandparents rights?
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Need more info in order to to answer. Taken by who? For what reason? Where is the father in all this? In what part, if any, do the PATERNAL grandparents enter into this? In most states, grandparent's rights are based through the parent's rights. If a parent's rights are terminated, then the grandparent's rights are also lost. Sad, but true.

Do grandparents have any rights?

There are NO grandparent's rights in the state of michigan.

What custody rights does an aunt have?

No, only parents or grandparents are mentioned in the custody rights laws of the different states and not always grandparents either. It's up to the court when you apply for custody.

Do grandparents have rights in a custody battle?

That depends on why the mother lost custody in the first place. The court must have granted the grandparents custody for some reason. If they have custody now you have to apply in court for the custody to be moved.

What are a fathers rights to his kids after a spouse passes ..against the maternal grandparents?

You have full and primary rights to your children. Grandparents do not have custody rights to children over parents.

How does a 14 year old in ohio get his grandparents as his legal gaurdian?

If you parents give up their rights or their rights are taken away and the judge gives it to the grandparents after they apply.

Can grandparents demand visitation while custody is pending?

Grandparent or anyone else can never demand visitation, it is up to the parents to decide. The grandparents can in some states go to court to get visitation rights but the court will also listen to the parents.

Do grandparents have grandchildren visitation rights in nova scotia?

No. they do not.

What has to be done to get grandparents rights?

The grandparents can get access towards there grandchildren by the mother and father dies and they get them. Or the grandparents file for custody of the children

Do grandparents have legal visitation rights in Wisconsin?

Grandparents can ask for visitation to be granted through the court, but they are not automatically given visitation rights like natural/legal parents are.

If your daughters parental rights were relinquished are mine also relinquished?

as in grandparents rights, yes.