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seafloor spreading

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Q: What states the youngest rocks of ocean floor are at a diverging boundaries moving outward?
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Related questions

How are plates moving at diverging boundaries?

To diverge means to move apart.

Is subduction characteristic of diverging plate boundaries?

No. Diverging means "moving apart." Subduction occurs at convergent plate boundaries, where two plates come together and one slides under the other.

When do tectonic plates separate one another?

The plates which are constantly moving move apart at divergent boundaries. These are also called constructive boundaries because of the fact that new magma rises here and heals the diverging plates.

How are the plates moving at the mid ocean ridge?

Because diverging plate boundaries occur at mid-ocean ridges, this means the two lithospheric plates are spreading apart.

What are divergent boundaries?

Divergent boundaries are areas where continental or oceanic plates are moving away from each other and creating new crust. Examples would be the Mid-Oceanic Ridge and the East African Rift Zone.

Which is the next planet after Saturn moving outward from the sun?

The next planet after Saturn moving outward from the Sun is Uranus.

What are diverging bounderies?

a divergent boundary is where two of earth plates are moving

Plates and the rocks that compose them are moving apart at these places?

diverging plates

What do transform boundaries have in common with divergent boundaries?

Rhe tectonic plates are moving in both divergent and transform boundaries

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Which type of plate boundaries produce volcanoes?

Continental and Oceanic plates.

Where are the 3 major kinds of boundaries?

Convergent boundaries (plates moving toward each other, also called destructive boundaries), divergent boundaries (plates moving away from each other (sometimes called constructive boundaries), fault lines (sideways movement).