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Q: What sticks out in the water like a finger?
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Water sticks to the finger but Mercury does not. why?

Mercury has a high surface tension. NB Don't try it yourself, mercury is very poisonous.

What is Finger sticks?

Finger stick-- A technique for collecting a very small amount of blood from the fingertip area.

Does it hurt when a boy sticks his finger up you?

No; it feels good.

What are those brown and whited striped candies called kinda taste like the middle of a butter finger?


Is a beach that project like a finger out into the water?

a Spit

Why your finger sticks to a metal ice tray just taken from the refrigerator?

This is a matter of melting and freezing. When you touch the tray, the warmth from your finger quickly melts a bit of a ice and creates a thin layer of water between the tray and your finger. Since the tray is so cold, it quickly freezes that thing layer of water forming an icy bond between your finger and the tray.

Do you have to have knitting sticks while knitting?

Sometimes. You could finger knit.

Explain why limp carrot sticks become crisp and your fingers becomes wrinkle when placed in hot water?

It is because of osmosis. Water enters the carrot cells whereas it travels in the opposite direction in your finger.

What is a finger bang?

This may sound horrible, but my friend told me that it is when a boy/girl sticks their finger up someones.... arse.... >.< I know, grose. But that's what she said.