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It is responding to the touch/movement stimulus.

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It lets off a scent that insects are attracted to.

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Q: What stimuli allows Venus Flytraps to catch food?
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How are Venus flytraps the same?

they catch flies and have sharp teeth and same coulor

How are Venus Flytraps dangerous?

They are not dangerous to humans, however they can catch and digest an insect in around 10 days.

Do Venus Flytraps make their food?

No, they have to catch flies in their traps to retrieve much needed minerals and nutrients that their boggy habitat does not have to offer.

Do venus flytraps make food?

No, they have to catch flies in their traps to retrieve much needed minerals and nutrients that their boggy habitat does not have to offer.

Is a Venus Flytrap good for catching bugs?

Yes, Venus Flytraps are good at catching and eating insects.

Why does the Venus Flytrap eat animals?

Venus Flytraps eat flies and insects because their environment resulted in the need for nutrients contained in them. They adapted to that environment and developed the traps for catching flies.

Is a Venus Flytrap prokaryotic?

Yes. They are from the kingdoms, plantea, domain, and eukaryota. Only bacteria are considered prokaryotic cells.

Do you keep Venus Flytraps inside?

It would be best to keep it outside in a hot, tropical area so it can have more food around to catch and you don't have to feed them. If you have it inside for the winter, I had one, feed it crickets, which you can buy at pet stores.

What is one advantage that quick movement is to a venus flytrap?

One advantage of quick movement for a Venus flytrap is that speed allows it to catch its prey. If the trap were to move slowly, the fly or other insect could get away before the trap finished closing.

What are 5 adaptations for a Venus Flytrap?

a venus flytrap has hairs on its mouth to catch the predators

How long do Venus live?

Venus Flytraps can live up to 7-8 years if taken care of indoors. If leaves get brown clip off and it will grow a new one. Do not throw the plant away if that happens. Because some people think that they are dying but the are not. If outdoors Venus Flytraps can live up to 10-11 years. If it is a baby than feed it small insects like gnats. Do not feed it large insects if it is a baby, but if grown then you may feed it bigger insects like flies. You don't always have to feed it however. It will catch small bugs that you are not aware of independently. Do not put them in direct sunlight or they will die, so put them in good but not direct light.

What is a good catch phrase for venus?

'Venus..........You Will Love It' Because Venus is the Goddess of Love so this makes sense.