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Q: What stone should a fourteen year old be?
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What should a fourteen year old boy ask for for Christmas?

I believe a fourteen year old boy (or girl) should ask to 'stay a kid just a little bit longer'.

How long should you sleep each night if your fourteen?

A fourteen year old should get nine hours of sleep each night.

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How much should a13 year old wiegh?

a 13 year old should wiegh 8 stone to 9 stone

How much should a 14 year old boy waight?

There really is no specific limit to how much a fourteen year old boy should weigh. It depends on how tall you are, because if you were 5' 9", you should weigh more than a fourteen year old boy who is 5' 2".

How much should an average fourteen year old weigh?

about 55 lbs.

Should fourteen year old be able to have jobs?

They can get a job if they want too.

What should a nine year old weigh in stone?

4 stone

How strong should a fourteen year old boy be?

he should be fat and eat junk every day

How much stone should a 12 year old weigh?

6 stone

Can a 14 year old look after a 5 year old sibling?

I am not a parent, but I think if the Fourteen year old is responsible enough, they should be able to look after their five year old sibling.