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Q: What storage did viking longhouses have?
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What were vikings houses made of?

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How many bathrooms did a viking long house have?

This question is in the wrong section. (Traditional Viking houses were one room only.)

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What did the iroquois do in the longhouses?

The Iroquois lived in their longhouses.

Did viking houses have windows?

No viking longhouses had windows. They would usually have an average of 5 windows-made of holes but not glass, as it would often only have a hole in the middle of the roof for smoke from fire to exit from.

How many longhouses were in an village?

there are 18 longhouses in a village

Did the Wampanoag Indians live in longhouses?

yes they lived in longhouses

How many people made longhouses?

10 people made longhouses

What are longhouses made out of?

Wood and animal fur were the main things used to build longhouses

Who had longhouses algonquins or iroquis?

The iroquois had longhouses and the algonquins had tipis

Did the Senecas live in longhouses?

The Seneca lived in longhouses and wigwams. The longhouses were designed to house many families or clans. The wigwams were small and housed a single family.

Did the Algonquins live in longhouses?

The Pequot, Native Americans that inhabited in Connecticut, lived in villages that were made up of longhouses and wigwams. Longhouses were made of wood and could accommodate many people. These people hunted, farmed, and fished for food.