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Q: What stores can I buy Sock It To Me brand socks?
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Where can someone buy toe socks for men?

Department stores such as Macy's, outdoor sport stores like REI, online toe-sock specific stores like Toe Sox, and general online retailers such as Amazon offer toe socks for men.

Where can one buy Bridgedale socks?

The easiest place to buy Darn Tough Socks is directly from their own website. Alternatively they are available in a variety of other online stores including Amazon, Rei or BlackCountry. You can also buy them from the vast majority of "outdoors" stores across the US.

Why does woody's wife buy him socks?

Woody's wife buys him socks to cover his woody. The socks she buys are usually very small with a small tip to catch woody's vomit. Woody is very happy when he is covered with a sock. When Woody is happy Woody throws up. Then its time to buy a new sock.

Where can I buy socks for the Winter?

Wigwam Canada Crew Socks are the thickest and warmest sock youll find in Wigwams arsenal. This is a sock not meant for athletic pursuits, but designed for those bitterly cold days.Buy them at Sears.

Stores that sell Toe socks?

you can buy toe socks at a meijer store, jcpenneys or 579

Do they still make those garters for holding up men's socks, and is there a special kind of sock to wear with garters?

Yes, they still make them and you have to buy garter socks.

Where can you buy head brand socks?

I got some at Costco for my husband and now he wont wear any other socks.

Where do shoe stores buy their try-on socks or nylon footies in bulk?

Where in Colorado can you buy toe socks?

You can buy toe socks at several of the large chain department stores in Colorado. Look in the women's department in the fall and winter to find them.

Do name brand work out socks really have anything better to offer than the socks you can buy at the grocery store or walgreens?

No, socks are socks the only difference is that the thread count maybe higher and the socks will last longer.

Where can you buy cheetah brand men socks?

walmart and mcdonalds and the drugdealer on the side of the road

Where can you buy funny sock online?

Amazon is an online website providing novelty socks. Amazon is a service similar to ebay without the hassle of bidding. With Amazon it is easy to search for funny socks and purchase instantly.