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Q: What stores sell just born jelly beans?
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What kind of beans do you eat on Easter?

Jelly Beans or if you are answering it in Woozworld just right Jelly

Why does my guinea pig poo jelly beans?

They don't poo out jelly beans . There poo may be the shape of jelly beans ...that's just the way there bottom is shaped

How many jelly belly jelly beans can fit in a one cup measuring cup?

It matters on the size of the jelly beans. If the ingredients say, "A cup of Jelly Beans" or something similar you could always just take the measuring cup and pour jelly beans in it until it reaches the top.

Why do jelly beans represent Easter?

They don't. It's just a way jelly bean companies make money on holidays.

Do jelly beans contain gelitan?

no they do not it is just that they taste like they do but really it is just something that always tastes like it

How many jelly beans fill half a cup?

this will depend on the size of the jelly beans and if you are referring to an 8 oz cup or a 250 mL cup. You are just going to have to buy some jelly beans and do the experiment for your self. Don't forget you should do three trials when doing an experiment. So it looks like you are going to have to eat a lot of jellybeans. Enjoy!

What is the most popular color of jellybean among children?

All of the jelly beans are known just as much as the others...

What did Ronald Reagan mean when he said You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jelly beans?

When Ronald Reagan ran for Governor of California in 1966, he began eating jelly beans as part of his successful attempt to give up pipe smoking. The Oakland-based producer of the jelly beans sent a monthly shipment of jelly beans to the Governor's Office throughout Reagan's two terms as Governor. The company also made a custom-designed jelly bean jar for Reagan. The company continued to ship jelly beans to Reagan after Reagan left the governorship. In 1976 the company introduced the Jelly Belly brand. Within two years, the shipment consisted entirely of the Jelly Belly brand. The company provided the Reagan White House with Jelly Belly jelly beans for all eight years of Reagan's presidency. In February 1981 the company received official Government authorization to develop a Jelly Belly jelly bean jar with the Presidential Seal on it. These Presidential jars of Jelly Belly beans, each in its own blue gift box, were given by Reagan to heads of state, diplomats, and many other White House guests.

What is the name of Harry Potter's jelly beans?

The Harry Potter candy is Chocolate frogs, lemon drops, and all flavored of beans.

If you could go back in time and take one item to benefit mankind. What would it be how would it help and what would it change?

Jelly beans. Everybody loves jelly beans. What a wonderful world this would be if everybody had jelly beans since the beginning. Of course, it could be argued that pretty much everybody has access to jelly beans today and we aren't such great shape as a world today, but perhaps if everybody always had them since the advent of the confusion of tongues, then we might be better off today. Imagine if Babylonians had jelly beans and Egyptians and Jews. What a wonderful world that would have been. Any time one nation stuck its tongue out at another the other nation would giggle at all the purple, red, green and black tongues. The other nation would be all like..."What?" And then the giggling nation could stick out their tongues and the other nation would giggle and the world would be a place where people just giggled all the time. By today, we would be so adept at giggling we wouldn't have time for wars and suppression, just plenty of time for more jelly beans. Mmmmmmmm jelly beans.

Who was the jelly bean president?

Ronald Reagan started eating jelly beans when he gave up smoking in the early 1960's. On his first day as governor of California, candymaker Henry Rowland gave Reagan a big jar of jelly beans, which Reagan put on the Cabinet Room table. That was the beginning of a long tradition of passing out jelly beans during Cabinet meetings. "We can hardly start a meeting or make a decision without passing around the jar of jelly beans," he told Rowland. Reagan also once said that, "You can tell a lot about a fella's character by whether he picks out all of one color or just grabs a handful." Sometime later he remarked, "Some political figures have endured in history as lions or conquerors or something equally impressive. It's a little frightening to think California history might record us as jelly beans." When Reagan was elected President in 1980, Henry Rowland told reporters, "There will be jelly beans in the White House, that's all I can say." True to form, Reagan kept a crystal jar full of his favorite jelly beans (Jelly Belly's) for Cabinet meetings and encouraged his department chiefs to eat them when they needed energy. Guests at Reagans 1980 inaugural parties consumed 40 million jelly beans --- almost equalling the number of votes he received in the election. Here is an interesting link that discusses Reagan's interest in Jelly beans:

What was the name of north Vietnam?

the answer is jelly beans or was it the famous German frase on the trenches was give em beans