

What stores energy for a quick release?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What stores energy for a quick release?
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What stores energy for quick release?

Metabolically speaking, the sugars are the most important reservoirs of energy for quick release. In animals, sugars, in the form of glycogen, are kept in muscles. In plants, the main sugar reservoir is the starch.

What stores energy for quick energy?

potential and kinetic energy

What organelle stores energy?

The Golgi bodies store energy for quick release adian

Does mitochondria release or store energy?

It release energy. It releases using Glucose (C6H12O6) and Oxygen (O2).Mitochondria release energy in glucose. Then it stores this energy in ATP

Does An electric current release energy in one quick burst.?

No, an electric current does not release energy in one quick burst. Instead, the flow of electric current involves the continuous movement of electrons through a conductor, which results in a steady release of energy over time.

Store energy for quick release?

Inside a cell, the mitochondria are the organelles which release and store the largest amounts of energy. If you are referring to a biological substance, the correct answer is fats, or lipids. Please make your questions more specific next time to make it easier for us.

Which reactions requires or stores energy?

Endothermic reactions require energy while exothermic reactions release energy.

Is it true that an electric current releases energy in one quick burst?

No, an electric current does not release energy in one quick burst. The release of energy from an electric current is continuous as long as there is a flow of electrons through a circuit. This allows for consistent and sustained delivery of electrical power.

What is a food source for energy?

Fats, carbohydrate and sugars are sources of energy. If you are looking for long release energy eat carbohydrates like: Pasta, rice and bread. If you are looking for quick release energy eat sugars: fruit or chocolate.

Does pasta in lasagna give you energy?

Pasta does not give you quick energy. Pasta is made up of complex carbohydrates that provide slow-release energy. However, it is important to note that while pasta may be low in sources of quick energy, there is a significant amount of sugar in spaghetti sauce. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate, which means it provides quick energy. Assuming "spaghetti" is a combination of both pasta and spaghetti sauce, I would say it is a source of both quick and slow-releasing energy.

What is adenosine triphosphate do?

Mainly it acts as a energy carrier.It stores energy between phosphate bonds.It release about 33kJ per mole.

What part in the plant cell makes the food for the cell?

mitochondria make food and release energy, but vacuoles stores the food and energy