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Q: What stories called told by vikings from Iceland?
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Why were old stories and songs important to the Vikings?

Vikings didn't write a lot down, so the ballads and epiics they told were their form of a history book

Where did vikings settle after viking raids?

The vikings told the europeans that they were going to Iceland. And by 'Iceland' they ment the small island by Greenland. At the time Greenland didn't have its name, so the europeans went to Greenland because the vikings described it as 'Iceland' and since Greenland is a very icy island. When they arrived, there were no vikings found. It was the other way around_the vikings went to Iceland, they must have named the smaller island Iceland to trick the europeans to go to Greenland.

What were the vikings hobbies?

They played hnefatafl which is like chess. They also made up their own games. They also played throwing games called king like bola or told stories. By Loslakerman

Where did the vikings come from and what modern day countries are there today?

The vikings came from Europe. They then explored to iceland and settled there. They were successful because they told everyone to go to Greenland which was actually ice and not to go to iceland because it's ice (it is really mostly green land). There are many modern day countries like Canada, Brazil, Italy and China.

What is the name of the short stories jesus told?

These are called parables.

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Eric the red what did he do to lead the vikings?

he told them about the land he found called Greenland but he told them lies because he said Greenland was not freezing cold

How did vikings share their adventures?

The Norse people loved stories, poetry and song, especially about the gods or brave adventurers. These stories/songs were often told/sung by "Skalds", during for example feasts, known as a "Gille".

What is the word to describe how Jesus Christ told his moral stories?

The stories with morals that Jesus taught are called parables.

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