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First they wait until they see a mouse or something then they fly down and pick it up with their feet

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Q: What strategies do owls use to catch their prey?
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How does flying quietly help an owl stay alive?

Owls are prolific hunters, using hearing, eyesight and silent flight to catch their prey, owls use silent flight to sneak up on prey, catching it before the prey even knows the owl is there, thus keeping the owl alive through nutrition.

What do owls use to get their food?

Owls use thier feet which have claws to grasp thier prey like mice.

Is a snowy owl a raptor?

All owls are raptors, or birds of prey. Which is to say they seize prey in their talons and kill it off with the beak usually. Even small owls like Burrowing or Flammulated owls, which eat insects largely, catch them this way. This is in contrast to a swallow or egret, which just use their mouth/beak, and don't have lethal talons.

Do lions use their teeth or claws to catch their prey?

They use their claws to catch their prey, but they use their teeth to tear it apart.

How do powerful owls hunt?

they stalk their prey and use their great vision

How does bats locate prey?

They have a sonar and they use it to catch prey

How do marlins catch their prey?

Marlins have a spear-shaped jaw they use to catch their prey. They have very sharp teeth they use to pierce through the flesh of their prey.

How do lion hunt there prey?

Lions usually hunt at night, either alone or in packs.A pack of lions can use a number of strategies to catch their prey. Sometimes the pack appears to split up, with some members pursuing prey animals into an ambush set by the others.

What do eagles use to cach prey?

They use their claws to catch and scoop up prey from the ground.

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To catch their prey.

What does elf owl use to catch their prey?

they use there claws