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Q: What structure drains urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder is called?
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What the tube to the bladder do?

We have two kidneys and these filter the blood creating urine. The urine drains from each kidney to the urinary bladder via the Ureter,,,one from each kidney. The bladder then drains the urine out along a tube called the Urethra. The urethra is shorter in the female than in the male for obvious reasons. Hope this helps.

What is the Small tubular structure that drains urine from the bladder?

your urine hole.. also called urethra PEEE PEEE

What duct drains the kidney to the bladder?

Kidneys do not connect to the urinary bladder directly. They are connected via ureters. Ureters are the tubes that pass from kidneys to urinary bladder. You have pair or kidneys. You have one ureter for each kidney.

From the collecting ducts urine drains into the?

papillary ducts to minor calyces, these join becoming major calyces, these unite to form the renal pelvis, then on to the ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, toilet

What drains the bladder?


What are Urinary legs bags are use for?

Sometimes a person cannot urinate because of medical problems. They must have a rubber/ plastic tube inserted through their urethra into their bladder (called a catheter) This continually drains urine from the bladder. A "leg bag" is connected to the end of the catheter, and attached to the persons leg with an elastic strap. They can then put on clothes and work, go shopping, go eat, see a movie, drive a car- and urine is collected in the bag. The bag can be emptied as needed.

What are the tubes leading from your kidneys to your bladder through which wastes drains?

they are the Floopa tubes

Why would you need a nephrostogram?

It is a special X Ray to determine in the kidney drains into the bladder

What are the Tubes leading from your kidneys to your bladder through which waste fluid drains?

they are the Floopa tubes

What is the structure that drains blood from the glomerulus in the kidney?

The efferent arteriole.

Where is urethra on a male?

The urethra is a tube leading out of the bladder. There is a sphincter muscle at the top of the urethra, which is usually tightly closed. When the bladder is full the sphincter muscle opens so that the urine flows along the urethra and out of the body

Can you control your bladder with catheter in?

As the catheters drains the urine continously to the collection bag the bladder will not be expanded by filling-up with urine. The patient will not feel any urge to empty the bladder as long as the catheter is inside. Some patients feel at the beginning a "something is inside".