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A bacteria moves using a structure called the flagellum, which resembles a tail.

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8y ago

It is called flagella.

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kinetic energy

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pili and flagella

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Q: What structures if present allow bacteria to move?
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Examples of cellular structures bacteria use to move?

Most bacteria are motile, meaning they move by self-propulsion. They use their flagella and axial filaments as their modes of locomotion.

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yes they actually can. they have structures which allow them to move across. The cilia (tiny hair like structures), flagella (whip like structures), or pseudopod whoch acts like a foot.

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How do the flagella help bacteria move around?

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What structure if present bacteria be motile?

Most motile bacteria move by means of flagella, if present. Motile means that they are capable of motion. Flagella is the plural of flagellum.

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No toes. Mucus like qualities, and they both have adaptations that allow them to move and latch onto things, for example the octopus has suction like structures on its tentacles, and I believe the snails have very small lump like structures that allow them to move and stick to surfaces that are not flat.

What structures let bacteria be motile?

Flagella and cilia because this is how prokaryotes move around.