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The roots.

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Q: What structure on the plant make seeds can reproduce?
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What plant doesn't make seeds?

Ferns do not produce seeds. They reproduce through spores instead of seeds.

Can a plant reproduce if does not make seeds?

Yes it can. they reproduce by formong tiny cells that can grow into new plants, which are called spores.

How do kataka - taka reproduce?

it have seeds in sides if they fell in ground or soil they make another plant

How do hosta reproduce?

Hostas do have flowers and make seeds. But most people get more by dividing a plant.

Would six seeds in a watermelon be enough?

Yes it will be enough the water melon will help reproduce more seeds and make it into a new plant.

How plants make seeds to reproduce?


What do plants make seeds inside?

to reproduce!

What do plants make to reproduce something?

Plants reproduce and make new plants by seeds: They get planted or settle in an area and then grow to new plants. Seeds are not the only ways plants reproduce and make new plants. Some plants use bulbs, branches, pollen,etc.

Can a petunia reproduce and if so what type?

Begoinias reproduce by their seeds and need energy to make more seeds.

What do plants make when they reproduce?

seeds for new plants

How does a honeybee help a plant reproduce?

Honeybees are what is know as pollinators, when they fly by plants and suck the nectar the become covered in the plants pollen. When the go to the next plant the pollen is spread which will soon make plant seeds.

Does autumn sedum plant reproduce by leaves?

You can take cuttings of sedum and root them. This is asexual reproduction. However, sedum do have flowers and make seeds. This is sexual reproduction.