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There are many numerous organelles that appear in only animal cells--if I were to list tem all out it would be a huge list. A good reference website is Enchanted Learning. It has a lot of diagrams that you can look at, including both animal and plant cells.

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7y ago
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12y ago

There are 12 main structures that make up an animal cell. The nucleus, the nucleolus, the cell membrane, the ribosomes, the mitochondria, the lysosomes, the centrioles, the cytoskeleton, the vacuole, the Golgi bodies, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and in some cells the microvilli. Hope that helped.

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13y ago

cell membrane



endroplasmic reticulum

golgi apparatus


vacuoles (small or none)



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12y ago

Mitochondria, vacuole, nucleus, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, cell membrane,

ribosome, and lysosome.

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13y ago

two sturctures that are found in the animal cells are blood vessels and veins!

hop this helped

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The skin

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Q: What structures are only found in animal cells?
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What structures are found only in plant cells and animal cells?


Which are only found in plants cells?

The structures that are only found in plant cells include the chloroplasts, central vacuole and the cell wall. These are not found in animal cells.

Are found only in plants cells?

The structures that are only found in plant cells include the chloroplasts, central vacuole and the cell wall. These are not found in animal cells.

Which pair of structures is found in both plant and animal cells?

Paired structures found in animal cells are centrioles. They are located near the nucleus in the centrosome. They are only found in animal cells.

What are structures that are only found in plants?

Only plant cells have cell walls made of cellulose. Animal cells have cell membranes instead.

What cell structures are found only in plant cell and not in animal cells?

Plants have a cell wall, and chloroplasts.

What are two structures that are only seen in plant cells?

chloroplasts, cell walls and something else?

Is in a centriole in a plants or animal cells or both?

Centrioles are found in animal cells but are typically absent in plant cells. Plant cells rely on alternative structures known as microtubule organizing centers to perform similar functions as centrioles in animal cells.

What structures are found only in some cells?

Plastids,cell wall and large central vacuole just in planet cell;centrioles just in animal cells.

Structures involved in mitosis in animal cells only?


Centrioles are only found in plant cells?

It is only found in animal cells

What organelle structures involved in mitosis in animal cells only?

In animal cells... Centrioles, asters and the spindle fibers.