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Single-celled organisms.

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The lowest is the Cell

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Q: What structures can perform all the activities required for life?
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What structures can perform all the activities for life?

The lowest is the Cell

What are the structures of plant and animal cells?

Plant and animal cells include cytoplasm and nucleus. Cytoplasm has several cell organells to perform various activities to support life.

What are the structures of a plant and animal cells?

Plant and animal cells include cytoplasm and nucleus. Cytoplasm has several cell organells to perform various activities to support life.

What has all of the structures necessary to carry out life's activities?


Chemical activities required to carry on and sustain life is?

Chemical activities required to carry on and sustain life include metabolism (the process by which organisms convert food into energy), cellular respiration (the process of generating energy in cells), and the synthesis of essential molecules like proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. These activities are regulated by enzymes and hormones within the body to maintain homeostasis and ensure proper functioning of cells and tissues.

What r the smallest units that perform life activities?

Cells, or atoms . One of those.

Are faithful muslims required to perform the hajj annually?

No, the Muslims are not required to perform Hajj annually. It is obligatory once in life under certain conditions. Anyhow, if a Muslim can perform Hajj every year, it is not prohibited.

In order to stay organized and perform activities of life what do living things require?

they need energy

What is the basic function of the cell?

The living cells perform all the metabolic functions of an organism to sustain life. The very basic function is respiration to harness the required energy for other biological activities.

What is a group of tissues that work together to perform a life activities?

Similar tissues working together to preform a life activity are organs.

What is a living thing that carry out its life activities?

A cell. Cells are the basic unit of life. Unicellular organisms can perform life tasks on its own, and they are one cell. Multicellular organisims have more than one cell (you and I), and can also perform life tasks.

How can a single cell perform all functions?

As cell is capable of interdependently carrying out all necessary activities in our life.