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Q: What study of motion did newton use to develop his first law of motion?
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How did Isaac Newton contribute to the study of planetary motion?

he didn't

Whose mathematical work on the laws of motion still forms the basis for the study of motion today?

Sir Isaac Newton came up with the Three Laws of Motion

What branch of science did Issac newton study?

he studied motion and its law. jj

Who helped Isacc newton?

Have you ever saw a picture/animation of an apple falling on a man wearing old fashioned clothing? Well, that's Newton and that's what led him to discovery. We he observed the fall of an apple, he questioned the effect of gravity and asked questions such as: why did it fall? why did it fall straight down and not sideways? This observation, his immense intellectuality, and his curiosity led to his formulations of the three laws of motion.

Who was the first to study gravity?

The first man to study gravity was Isaac Newton..

Who studied forces and the motion of objects and formulated of the laws of motion?

a physicist!!!! a physicist!!!! a physicist!!!!

What are the significant contributions of isaac newton to the study of motion?

ewan! aba !malay ko! pakealam ko dyan?!?!?

Which newton's law of motion for dribbling a basketball?

Beacuse of the gravity depending on the ball. And the girls like to suck on the guys penis

Who was one of the first to study gravitational force?

Sir Isaac Newton was one of the first to study gravatational force

Why do people study newton's laws of motion?

Engineers and Scientists use Newton's laws and their resulting equations, in order to help predict the motion of objects on the macroscopic level. They use them to predict where an object will be at a given time under certain initial conditions.

How did Isaac Newton study?

Isaac Newton studied Motion and the laws of motion and gravity, space, the stars, math , he created calculous. tip go to and type in your question.

What is the study of forces of air on a body in motion?

Dynamics is the study of both motion and forces together. Newton defined the fundamental laws which govern dynamics in physics in his second law of motion.