

What stuff come from Ireland sheep?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Meat and wool. Using the meat all sorts of meals can be made and using the wool all sorts of clothes and other items can be made.

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Q: What stuff come from Ireland sheep?
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Are there more sheep or people in Ireland?

There are more people than sheep in Ireland. According to recent data, Ireland has a population of over 4.9 million people, while the sheep population is estimated to be around 3.5 million.

What is the plural form for the word stuff?

The plural for stuff is just stuff. Just like sheep and sheep.

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A freakin sheep! don't you live in Ireland? im American and i went there this summer and there were so many freakin sheep!

What livestock are grown in Ireland?

sheep, cows and also goats but mostly sheep.

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Not only in Ireland.. Sheep have markings on them so that the owner can tell which one is theirs and which one isnt..

Does Ireland have a lot sheep?

There are sheep farmers in Ireland, so they would herd their sheep. There are many farms that do not have sheep, and most people in Ireland are not farmers, so they would not herd sheep. So like most countries, it is just the sheep farmers that herd sheep.

Does so ya milk come from sheep?

No soya milk does not come from sheep. It is made from soya beans

Where did Saint Patrick herd sheep?

Saint Patrick is said to have herded sheep in County Antrim, in Northern Ireland. Legend has it that he worked as a shepherd there before he became a missionary and played a significant role in spreading Christianity in Ireland.

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Can leather come from sheep?

Leather can be made from sheep

Does felt come from a sheep?

Technically felt can come from any animal with fur or hair even people (think dreadlocks) however most felt comes from sheep, the cheap thin stuff at the cradt stores is actually made from plastic pellets. Hope this helps Andie