

What style of dancing was thriller?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What style of dancing was thriller?
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Why did tap dancing go out of style?

Tap Dancing went out of style to make room for the new type of dancing called Hip-Hop.

What style of dancing was popularized with rap music?

Break Dancing

Name a style of dancing developed in the 80's?

Break dancing

What music video show mummies dancing around and moving rigidly?

Thriller by Michael Jackson

How did Michael Jackson change the world of dance?

He popularized dances such as the "moonwalk" and the "robot", and made up many dances of his own style that is forever attached to him such as the crotch grab, and the air kick. He was one of the choreographers for his own music video "Thriller", and has his own dancing style that many people try to imitate.

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Hip Hop

What does menuetto mean in music?

In a dancing style.

What type of dancing is done in Madagascar?


What is the best style of line dancing?

The cupid shuffle

How has the album Thriller influenced the next generation of music?

Thriller has influenced the new generation of music by teaching them a new style of dance, which has movements that are much more liberal in interpretation.

Describe the style of dancing and the type of music that accompanies it?
