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Q: What sub-disciplines of biology focuses on understanding the entire genetic composition of organisms?
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What is the differnce between biology and chemistry?

Biology is the study of life and living organisms. Chemistry is the study of substances, their composition, and how they interact.

What is the medical term meaning specialist in the study of microscopic organisms that cause diseases?

Typically, a microbiologist. Microbiology is a subdiscipline of biology (but may also be considered by some to be a subdiscipline of micrology), and there are also subdisciplines of microbiology (e.g. virology, bacteriology).

What is biology?

Biology is a branch if science that deals with living characteristics of living organisms

The study of living?


What is the current understanding of living organisms in modern biology?

living things are subjected to the same physical and chemical laws as nonliving things

What is the identity of biology?

Biology is the study of living organisms.

How biology started?

Biology started with the scientific study of organisms.

What organisms have some aspect of their biology governed by lunar cycles?

Most often, sea life are the organisms that have some aspect of their biology governed by lunar cycles. This is because lunar cycles determine the strength of things like waves, and waves and other types of water movement can change the biological composition of sea life.

Discuss how environmental science is helpful to conservation biology?

It helps with the understanding of the interactions between different organisms and their environments and what they need to survive which is essential knowledge when trying to conserve.

How important biology is in the surgery?

You need to study biology to become a surgeon because surgeons need a detailed understanding of human physiology, and biology is a prerequisite for that. Actually, this is debatable. Studying animals and plants may contribute in a general way to understanding how to learn in science but one can become a surgeon without knowing anything about ferns and rats.

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What is the point to take biology in high school?

Biology is the study of life and the world is full of living organisms. To be a being in this world is to have to encounter and interact daily with living organisms (plants, animals, bacteria, etc) and with materials made from living organisms (textiles, food, wood, etc). Also, being a living organism yourself, it is important to know what kind of creature you are. A good high school biology class would improve your understanding of all these matters.