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Q: What subatomic particle contains the energy stored in chemical bonds?
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Subatomic particle contains the energy stored in chemical bonds?


What subatomic particle contains energy stored in chemical bonds?

Electrons contain energy stored in chemical bonds.

Which subatomic particle contains the energy stored in the chemical bonds?

Electron. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The electron itself does not store energy. It is the position of the electron in relation to atomic nuclei that contains the chemical bond energy.

What subatomic contains the energy stored in chemical bonds?


Does CaCl2 contain energy?

Yes, every single subatomic particle contains energy, E=mc2. This has been demonstrated by the generation of particle/anti-particle pairs in particle accelerators.

Which subatomic particles contains the energy stored in a chemical bond?

You think prpbable to electrons.

What subatomic particle has the longest wave length a neutron proton electron or alpha particle?


A subatomic particle that circles an atom's nucleus?

An electron is a subatomic particle that circles an atom's nucleus in specific energy levels or orbits. It has a negative charge and plays a key role in chemical reactions and bonding.

What subatomic particle has the most kinetic energy?

Valence electrons

Is an electron a sub atomic particle in the nucleus that is attracted to electrons?

No, an electron is a subatomic particle that orbits the nucleus of an atom. It carries a negative charge and is attracted to the positively charged protons in the nucleus.

What are the outermost or highest energy subatomic particles in an atom that are responsible for their bonding characteristics?

This particle is the electron

When is energy converted to mass?

Energy can be converted into mass in high-energy processes such as particle collisions or nuclear reactions, as described by Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. This conversion typically occurs in extreme conditions, such as in particle accelerators or during the formation of stars.