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collagen fibers

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Q: What substance gives the tendon its strength?
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What substance gives bones its strength and color?

I think it is a bone cell!

How does increase in tendon strength help you in sport?


What is a sniew?

A sinew is a tendon or a word the represent strength or power

What does union gives strength mean?

union gives strength

When was Gives You Strength created?

Gives You Strength was created in 1991.

Which fibrous substance is found in areolar tissue giving it its strength?

Collagen is the fibrous substance that give areolar tissue its strength.

What is the sort of substance that cushions the ends of bones and form flexible parts like the ear and nose?


What system gives the body shape and strength?

The skeletal system gives the body shape and strength.

What gives strenght to a cell?

The cell membrane gives strength to animal cells and the cell wall gives strength to plant cells.

What is the substance that gives your hair color?

Hair color is determined by a pigment called melanin, which is produced by melanocyte cells in the hair follicles. There are two types of melanin - eumelanin, which gives hair black or brown color, and pheomelanin, which gives hair red or blonde color. The proportion and distribution of these pigments determine the color of an individual's hair.

What is palatine aponeurosis?

It is a tendon of connective tissue that is attached to the back of the roof of the mouth, called the hard palate which supports the muscles and gives strength to the soft palate. It is also part of the swallowing mechanism and participates in initiating the reflexes that allow us to swallow.

What substance gives plants their green colour?

Chlorophyll is the substance that gives plants their green colour.