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Q: What substance helps build cell structure?
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What are the structure of the cytoskeleton in a cell?

it helps keep the cell in shape.

What structure in a plant cell helps it from osmosis?

cell wall

What is the difference between organelle and inclusion?

Cell organelle is a permanent substance in the cell and it is a living structure whereas cell inclusion is a temporary substance which is non-living.

What helps build cell structures?


What do microtubes do for the cell?

They build up the cytoskeleton.It helps and supports the cell

What structure is on the be cell that helps recognize the pathogen?

the antigens

What cell structure uses amino acids to build proteins?

Ribosomes .

How does the structure of the fat cell help with its function?

A fat cell is a round cell. The structure of the fat cell that helps the cell function is the shape allows the fat cell to accumulate a lot of lipids.

What provides structure for tissues and organs and helps carry out cell metabolism?

The Cell Wall The Cell Wall

What cell structure helps maintain homeostasis by controlling the movement of materials into the cell?

The nucleues, the brain of the cell.

What does the hyaloplasm in a animal cell do?

Hyaloplasm, also known as the ground substance or cytosol, is a gel-like substance within the cell that suspends organelles and provides a medium for cellular activities. It is essential for various metabolic processes, such as protein synthesis and cellular respiration, and helps facilitate movement of molecules within the cell. It also plays a role in maintaining cell structure and shape.

Is a whiplike structure that helps a bacteria cell move?
