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Q: What substance is shiny when cut and burns red?
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shiny red beads

What element burns orange and red?

Calcium burns orange-red.

What element burns orange red?

calcium burns red sodium burns orange

If shiny yellow is the color gold and shiny blue is cobalt what would shiny red be called?

It would seem that shiny red would be called ruby.

How do you get magikarp to evolve into a red gyradose?

Get a shiny Magikarp. A Red Gyarados is a shiny Gyarados.

Should you buy a red car?

yes, if it is a shiny red but if it is a non-sparkly red no yes, if it is a shiny red but if it is a non-sparkly red no

what burns with a red flame?

lithium chloride burns with a red flame but im not sure what element on its own burns with a red flame =s

What is shiny and rhymes with feet?

Why a beet, a shiny red vegetable

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Are apples red or purple?

They are red and shiny.

When was August Burns Red created?

August Burns Red was created in 2003.

How do you get a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Red?

Unfortunately, shiny Pokemon only exist in games that aren't red/blue/red sorry