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Q: What substances are secreted at the end of each nerve cell?
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What is the job for the nucleus in a nerve cell?

It depends what part of the cell body you are talking about. The cell body of the nerve cell is the nerve cell. There is no difference between the two. Also, it depends what nerve cell you are talking about, it could be either a relay neurone, a motor neurone or a sensory neurone. The cell body of each is completely different.

What connects one nerve cell with another?

the 2 nerve cells that atract to each other

How do hydrophobic substances cross the cell membrane?

They have parenthesene and then have rape babies with each other

A human liver cell is very different in a structure and function from a nerve cell in the same person this is best explained by the fact?

A.different genes function in each type of cell

How does a nerve cell function in a human?

The function of a nerve cell is to carry messages around someones body. To adapt to their job, they're very long and are branched at each end. Nerve cells also receive, carry and pass electrical impulses through someones body.

What nerve cells that connect sensory and motor nerve cells?

It depends upon what you are referring to as connecting. Most nerve cells do not connect to each other, but pass their impulse from one to the other via synapses. There are also places where nerve cell bodies cluster together in the peripheral nervous system, and this is known as a ganglion. When a group of nerves come close to each other and are covered in connective tissue for protection, it is called a plexus. The nerve do not actually connect to each other, but are wrapped together.

How do animal cells differ from each other in structure?

They are made to function in different ways. A blood cell is round and smooth because it has to slip and slide through veins. It does not look like a nerve cell that has long rod looking things coming off of it because a nerve cell is not made to do the job of a blood cell.

How does loss of nerve cells impact on the development of dimentia?

brain cells needs to communicate with each other by sending the message between cells in the form of electrical signals so if the nerve cell dies message wont reach the other cell causing dementia.

What substances does the blood transport towards a muscle cell and in what parts of the blood is each of these carried?


What substances are within the cell?

Cells contain a variety of substances, including water, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids (like DNA and RNA), ions (such as sodium, potassium, and calcium), and various organelles like mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes. Each of these substances plays a specific role in the functioning of the cell.

What does each part of the cell do?

The dendrites receive the stimulus, the soma, or cyton, which contains the nucleus interprets the signal, and the axon and its terminals send the signal to another nerve cell, a muscle, or a gland.

Type of animal cell?

One type of animal cell exists for each type of animal tissue : Muscle, Nerve, Vascular, Bone, ... .