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The heart pumps blood throughout the organism, carrying mainly nutrients that you've eaten, and mainly, oxygen to the brain and to organs' cells.

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Q: What substances are transported by the heart?
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What substances are transported by blood system from the small intestine to the heart?

Digested food such as glucose, amino acids in blood plasma.

What substances are transported by your blood system from the small intestine to your heart?

Digested food such as glucose, amino acids in blood plasma.

How many substances are transported around the body?

There are various substances transported in our body, including oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products. These substances are transported by the blood circulation system, including the cardiovascular system and lymphatic system.

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What are the substances that are transported in the blood?

plasma contains dissolved substances such as proteins,digested food,common salt,waste products and hormones. It transport all these dissolved substances

What is the difference between countertransport and antiport?

Cotransport is the name of a process in which two substances are simultaneously transported across a membrane by one protein, or protein complex which does not have ATPase activity. Different types of co-transport Symport When both substances are transported in the same direction the transport protein is known as a symport . Antiport When the substances are transported in opposite directions the transport protein is known as an antiport.

Two substances that are transported in blood?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are two substances transported in the blood. Oxygen is carried from the lungs to body tissues by red blood cells, while carbon dioxide is transported from body tissues back to the lungs for elimination.

What are the substances that enter the capillary from surrounding cells?

They substances transported by blood.Gases,Nutrients,Water,Hormones,Urea,Ammonia,Other waste materials etc.