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Q: What substances is NOT typically perceived as an antigen?
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What is a non pathogen antigen?

Antigens are substances that incite your immune system to respond by producing antibodies. They include both foreign substances, such as pollen, and substances made by the body. Ones made by the body are non harmful.

Sperm is not antigen why?

The reason why sperm is not an antigen is because it does not stimulate antibody production. An antigen typically occurs in blood plasma.

What are substances made in response to a specific antigen?

Giant turtles are what are made in response to a specific antigen. Hope I Helped!

What are protein substances formed in the blood to destroy foreign substances?

Antigens are protein substances formed in the blood to destroy foreign substances. Antigens can also be administered artificially in some cases.

How long does it typically take to produce sufficient immunologic memory following an initial exposure to an antigen?

Production of sufficient immunologic memory typically takes a few weeks following the initial antigen exposure.

What r antigens in a human body?

Antigens are substances that cause an immune response in the body by identifying substances in or markers on cells

What are antigens and antibodies?

antigen-a toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.Antibodies-a blood protein produced in response to and counteracting a specific antigen. Antibodies combine chemically with substances that the body recognizes as alien, such as bacteria, viruses, and foreign substances in the blood.

What term describes the overaction of the body to a particular antigen?

Allergies develop when the body overreacts to an antigen.

What are the non harmful antigen?

One non harmful antigen type is blood types. These carry antigens that are not typically harmful to humans. The common blood types are: A, B, AB and O.

Which of the following is not an antigen that may be found on the surface of an erythrocyte a A antigen b B antigen c O antigen d Rh antigen?

A antigen

How can substances move across capillaries?

Substances typically move across capillaries via diffusion.

Substances or organisms that are foreign to the body?

Antigens is the term for molecules that are foreign to the body.