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Q: What substances is not carried by the cardiovascular system?
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What substances does the cardiovascular system carry?


What are the three things carried throughout the body by the cardiovascular system?

Blood, Vitamins, and Cells

What do you call the tubes through which the fluid flows in the cardiovascular system?

The tubes of the cardiovascular system are the following:Arteries - carry blood away from the heartCapillaries - allow diffusion of the dissolved substances in the plasmaVeins - carry blood towards the heart

What does the blood do in the cardiovascular system?

The blood in the cardiovascular system carries gases, hormones, nutrients, and wastes. Oxygen, nutrients, and certain hormones are carried to the cells; and carbon dioxide, wastes, and certain hormones are carried away from the cells. Hormones are not nutrients or wastes. They are chemical messengers that are secreted by certain cells and carried to other parts of the body where they will have an effect, which depends on the hormone.

What is the most important function of the cardiovascular system?

The cardiovascular system transports needed substances to cells and transports waste products away from cells.

Hemotosis is a function carried out by the cardiovascular respritory systems?

Homeostasis is not a function carried out solely by the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It Homeostasis is actually carried out in all cells and all systems.

How substances absorbed by small intestine are carried to liver?

hepatic portal system

Organization of the cardiovascular system and heart?

Circulatory system and Cardiovascular system

How does the cardiovascular system affect the skeletonmusclar system?

The cardiovascular system sends oxygen to the muscles.

What is an organ of the cardiovascular system?

The heart is a part of the cardiovascular system.

What help the digestive system?

the muscular and cardiovascular system.

What system transports oxygen to the various parts of the body?

Cardiovascular System